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Mushrooms Picking

Pick mushrooms in Val di Fassa.

Mushrooms in Val di Fassa: how, when and which mushrooms can be collected

Val di Fassa is made up of seven Municipalities (Moena, Soraga, Vigo, Pozza, Mazzin, Campitello di Fassa and Canazei) and stands out for being a wooded area characterized by beautiful landscapes and by the presence of many species of mushrooms.
Mushrooms as well as composing many typical dishes of the local culinary culture, are the result of collection by residents and non-residents.
The collection is, however, tied to a regulation under penalty of the affliction of administrative, civil and criminal penalties.

Following some useful information on how, when and which are the mushrooms that can be collected in Val di Fassa, remember that although there are different varieties of mushrooms, there are precise limits of weight and length for the collection as well as inedible expenses, capable to provoke

How and when to pick mushrooms in Val di Fassa: the Regulations

Attention must be paid as although it is true that in Val di Fassa there are many varieties of mushrooms, they cannot be collected unless authorized in advance. The aim is to guarantee the conservation of the species.
Non-residents must be authorized for collection upon presentation of a specific complaint to the competent authorities in which they express their intention to collect mushrooms.

The collection of mushrooms in the municipalities of the Val di Fassa is subject to the discipline contained in the matter is “LP May 23, 2007, n.11” (“Government of the forest and mountain territory, waterways and protected areas”) and in rules referred to in the “Implementing Regulation of 26 October 2009”.
This authorization has a cost that varies according to how many days you want to spend in the collection.
Despite the complaint, mushrooms cannot be collected in all areas of the Val di Fassa, for example it is strictly forbidden to pick mushrooms in natural areas such as the Paneveggio Park.

Ignorance is not allowed, as the collection ban is highlighted by signs placed on protected areas.
Children can also collect mushrooms as long as they are 10 years old and only if accompanied by an adult.
As for the quantity, a limit of 2 kg per day is signed, with the exception of rarities in which only one mushroom weighs 2 kg.
As for harvest times, mushroom picking cannot be performed at any time but only during the day from 7.00 in the morning to 19.00 in the evening.

Whoever goes to collect mushrooms has the obligation to respect the surrounding environment, in the sense that in picking the mushroom he must make sure not to compromise the soil in which it is uprooted.
Once the mushrooms have been collected, they must be transported in special containers and cleaned on the spot.

What mushrooms to collect

An aspect that is important for those who go to the collection of mushrooms and which species they are authorized to harvest, it is advisable not to proceed with the collection of excessively young or old mushrooms, which could be unripe and poisonous in the first case.
Val di Fassa is known for two delicious species of which porcini and chanterelle mushrooms are in search, as well as other minor subspecies.

There is a procedure to follow in collecting mushrooms to preserve their quality and composition.
First of all, the mushroom must be picked in its entirety and never cut, it is necessary to keep it with the whole stem in order to understand the species of the mushroom.
Secondly, in the face of unknown species it is advisable to proceed with caution, perhaps setting aside the mushroom whose origin is doubtful in order to make appropriate subsequent investigations.

This step is important to avoid collecting and subsequently eating dangerous mushrooms or otherwise contaminating the good ones.
Finally, it is necessary to avoid collecting the mushroom species classified as dangerous because they are characterized by poisonous properties for humans.