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The clear water of the streams, the quiet mountain lake, only to hear the shell of the water… wait for the fish to bite to then pull the fish line!

Fishing in Val di Fassa

For fishing lovers, the Val di Fassa is the ideal place, in the streams and channels at a high altitude, you can catch small trouts and salmon. In the Avisio river, which runs from the Marmolada along the Val di Fassa to the Val di Fiemme, in the Fedaia dam, in the little lake of Soraga, you can fish numerous trout species while enjoying the splendid panorama and breathe the tranquility of these places.

You can fish by buying here:

  • Bar “Alla Diga” Fedaia – loc. Fedaa, 12 – Tel. 0462 601370
  • Bar “Miramonti” Alba di Canazei – Strèda de Costa, 199 – Tel. 0462 601325
  • Sport Walter Alba di Canazei – Strèda de Costa, 292 – Tel. 0462 602210
  • Sport 2001 Canazei – Strèda de Parèda, 41 – Tel. 0462 601322
  • Free Time Sport Canazei – Strèda del Faure, 26 – Tel. 0462 601283
  • Sport Walter Canazei – Strèda Dolomites, 107 – Tel. 0462 601521
  • Parrucchiere Pino Campitello di Fassa – Piaz Veie, 26 – Tel. 0462 750467
  • Bar “Centrale” Pera di Fassa – Strada Dolomites
  • Lino Sport Pozza di Fassa – Strada de Meida, 78 – Tel. 0462 763358
  • Bar “George’s Soraga di Fassa – Piaza Ciock – Cell. 328 4005029
  • Hotel Al Lago Soraga di Fassa – Strada de Pont, 4 – Tel. 0462 768127
  • Bar “Ja Vito” Soraga di Fassa – Stradon de Fascia, 2 – Tel. 0462 768360
  • Bar “Il Giardino” Moena – Strada de la Comunità de Fiem, 43 – Tel. 0462 573287 – (solo per la zona di Moena)
  • Hotel Miralago Passo San Pellegrino – Pas de Sèn Pelegrin, 5 – Tel. 0462 573791